Art Week

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Art week is the week of art par excellence. It takes place in Bologna in January, accompanying the diverse programme of cultural events for Art City that take place in the city during the Arte Fiera trade fair.

Things get started in Bologna in January with Art Week, and this second edition will be celebrating all aspects of art. And it is on this diverse, cross-cutting stage that the Art City and Arte Fiera events will unfold.

For a whole week, locals and tourists can bask in the zealous vitality that pervades Bologna wherever you turn, fuelled in many different locations by the main program, which consists of a Special project and a vast array of Main projects, including exhibitions, installations and performances.


  • - Bologna (Bologna)
27 January - 5 February 2023
See the website
  • Free event

Information offices

IAT Bologna Welcome
Piazza Maggiore, 1/E - Bologna (BO)
+ 39 051 6583111

Editorial Staff

Redazione Bologna

Last update 28/12/2022

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