Legal terms

Limitations on the use of content

In this section, eventual limitations on the use of content on this site and the linked external sites are explained.


All trademarks, both registered and not, of products or services, places, banners headings, rubrics, dominions and any other distinctive symbols that appear in this site are the property of the Emilia Romagna Region.
These can be used exclusively with prior written consent from the owner (for more details, see the informative section on the use of logos and sponsorship requests).

All other content (unless otherwise specified) is released under the CC-BY license (Attribution) and therefore can be reproduced, distributed, communicated, displayed, represented and modified, under the following conditions:

  • Sources must be referenced (“Emilia Romagna Turismo”) along with the URL;
  • The use of this material can be for commercial reasons;
  • Information on the eventual use of this material should be sent (together with any modified versions) to the following email address:

Eventual uses of this material not allowed by this license can be agreed upon with the owner of the rights.

A summary of the license and the entire text.

Any action reserved to the owner of the rights by both national and international law regarding trademarks and distinctive symbols carried out without his or her authorization will be both civilly and criminally liable.

Use of the site

The Emilia-Romagna Region wishes to inform you that changes may be made to the content of the site (and these legal terms) at any given moment and without warning, without any liability regarding any eventual problem of any kind caused directly or indirectly by access to the site, by being unable to access it or access being impossible, or from trusting in the news contained herein or in the use of said news.

Access to linked external sites

The links to external sites, indicated in the present site, are provided as a simple service to users, with the exclusion of any kind of liability regarding the accuracy or completeness of all of the indicated sites. The indication of said links does not imply on the part of the Emilia-Romagna Region any kind of approval or sharing of responsibility in relation to the legitimacy, completeness or accuracy of the information contained in the linked sites.


The information contained herein also applies to the use by users of the downloadable materials provided within this site.

Last update 07/07/2021
OFFICIAL TOURIST INFORMATION SITE © 2024 Emilia-Romagna Region Tourism and Commerce Department