Ibrida - International Festival of Intermediate Arts

Ninth edition of the Intermediary Arts Festival

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From September 20 to 22 (with previews on Monday, September 2 and Thursday, September 19) comes the ninth edition of Ibrida - International Festival of Intermediate Arts, in the spaces of Fabbrica delle Candele.

The festival, entitled "Artificial Reality", explores the influence of artificial intelligence on the scientific and creative fields, opening new frontiers of innovation and dialogue between art and technology, through video art, performance art, installations, dialogues and electronic music, in a true intermedia village.

A series of workshops and meetings will be organised to accompany the events and will be held at Campostrino, in Piazzetta Campostrino 4.

In addition, from September 2 to October 13, the Dino Zoli Foundation will host the exhibition "Body (s)cul(p)ture", the first solo exhibition by Francesca Fini, with free admission.

Full programme on the official website.


  • Piazzetta Conserva Corbizzi, 9 - Forlì (Forlì)
2 - 22 September 2024
See the website
  • Fee

Information offices

Piazza Aurelio Saffi, 8 - Forlì (FC)
+39 0543 712362 + 39 0543 712450 iat@comune.forli.fc.it Opening: all year round

Last update 21/08/2024

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