Gualtieri Tour

Event to celebrate Gualtieri and its treasures

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  • Place
    Piazza Bentivoglio - Gualtieri
  • Events
    Hiking and guided tours, Other events
  • Interests
    Art & Culture

From 20th to 22nd September, the small town of Gualtieri - home of the naive artist Antonio Ligabue - opens its doors to visitors thanks to the Viaggio a Gualtieri (Journey in Gualtieri) initiative, now in its 9th edition.

For the occasion, the stories of the Bentivoglio, Greppi, Ligabue, Tirelli, and Daffini families, and theTeatro Sociale, the floodplains, the cooperatives, the reclamations, our products, and the food and wine excellences are told and handed down to the visitor and anyone who wants to listen to them.


  • Piazza Bentivoglio
    - Gualtieri (Gualtieri)
20 - 22 September 2024
See the website
  • Some paid events
+ 39 0522 221851
+ 39 0522 221869

Information offices

Proloco Gualtieri
Piazza Bentivoglio, 36 - Gualtieri (RE)
+ 39 0522 828696 Opening: seasonal

Last update 31/05/2024

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