Festival Rossini Open

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The Rossini Theater in Lugo cannot reopen its doors but has decided to "reopen" with a completely "outdoor" musical review: from 26 August to 12 September 2021 the Rossini Open Festival will be held with musical and theatrical events, opera music, chamber music, symphonic music, theater and niche shows.

The perfect opportunity to discover the strong bond that binds the town to the famous composer who lived here as a teenager from 1802 to 1804 and to visit the museum dedicated to him.




  • Piazza Savonarola, 1 - Lugo (Lugo)
26 August - 12 September 2021
For more details see the programme
  • Some paid events

Information offices

Ufficio Informazioni Lugo
Largo Relencini, 1 - Lugo (RA)
+ 39 0545 299441 urp@comune.lugo.ra.it

Last update 13/07/2021

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