Padus Mirabilis. Po festival

The festival of the territorial singularities of the Po and other waterways

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  • Place
  • Events
    Hiking and guided tours, Street markets
  • Interests
    Nature & Outdoor, Food Valley

On Saturday, September 21st and Sunday, September 22nd in Sacca di Colorno, an island of the Po in the Middle Ages, the third edition of Padus Mirabilis will take place, a festival of the territorial singularities of the Po and other waterways

A market exhibition of fruits, vegetables and seeds, a market exhibition of typical and forgotten eno-gastronomic products, feast of the Po gastronomy, feast of local Parma food, and street food, from Italy and overseas. 

An occasion get to know this splendid territory and deepen your knowledge of issues such as biodiversity and the protection and enhancement of the river landscape.

River navigation, itineraries, workshops, quality market, handicrafts, tastings, activities for children, educational farm, territory, lifestyles, culture... 


  • Sacca di Colorno - Colorno (Colorno)
21 - 22 September 2024
See the website
  • Full ticket : € 5,00
  • Free : Children up to 12 years old; disabled individuals with a companion
+ 39 0521313300

Information offices

IAT Colorno
Piazza Giuseppe Garibaldi, 26 - Colorno (PR)
+ 39 0521 313790 Opening: all year round

Last update 09/08/2024

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