Polisport GP of Italy in Piacenza Province

World Endurance race

Logo CC
  • Place
    Paddock - Bettola
  • Events
    Sporting event
  • Interests
    Motor Valley, Sport

The fourth race of the Enduro World Championship arrives in Piacenza. The Polisport GP of Italy will be held from 21 to 23 June 2024 in the province of Piacenza, with the focus between Bettola and Ponte dell'Olio in Val Nure.

The valley lends itself to ups and downs, dirt tracks through woods, meadows, streams and landscapes worthy of admiration and is well-known to off-road enthusiasts. The riches of nature, landscape, culture and tradition find fulfilment on the table, which offers specialities arising from the peculiarities of the territory.

The programme includes trials in the evening of 21 June and races starting in the morning (9 a.m.) over the weekend.
Programme available on the official event website


  • Paddock
    Piazza Colombo - Bettola (Bettola)
21 - 23 June 2024
See the website
  • See the website

Information offices

IAT Grazzano Visconti, Val Nure & Val Chero
Viale del Castello, 2 - Vigolzone (PC)
+ 39 0523 870997 iat@valnure.info Opening: seasonal

Last update 09/06/2024

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