Exploring the Vena del Gesso Romagnola Park with your Four-legged Friend

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If you are passionate about nature and outdoor walks, the Vena del Gesso Romagnola Park can be an ideal area in which to spend a day full of adventure and relaxation in the company of your four-legged friend.

This naturalistic area, located among the rolling hills of the Apennines, offers breathtaking landscapes and rich biodiversity, and is suitable for visiting in the company of your pet, thanks to interesting circular paths. In this article, we will explore a small itinerary in the area between the village of Brisighella and the Ca' Carnè Refuge Visitor Center

Before you start exploring, make sure you respect the park rules and keep your furry friend on a leash in designated areas.

  • Length
    24 hours
  • Interests
    Nature & Outdoor
  • Target
  • First stop - Historic Center Brisighella

    The route starts from the heart of the medieval village of Brisighella, inside the Vena del Gesso Romagnola Park.

    Reaching this town is very simple: the town is, in fact, well connected to the main communication routes. 

    If you come by car, park your car near the train station, and from here you can reach the historic center in a few minutes in the company of your four-legged friend.

    In Via Baldina there is a dog walking area: you can access it freely by contacting the Bau Garden association.

    Founded in Roman times, Brisighella boasts a fascinating history reflected in its cobbled streets and historic buildings. 

    One of the best-known symbols is the Clock Tower, which dominates the panorama of the village. 

    The artisan shops, period buildings and surrounding nature offer a touch of authenticity to this location which seems to have stopped in time.

    The main street, which runs alongside Piazza Marconi, is Via degli Asini, an elevated street that receives natural light from arched windows that line it.

    Direct your steps along this street, and then begin to climb, in the company of your faithful friend on a leash, the long staircase which in about 10/12 minutes will take you to the base of the Clock Tower. 

    From here you will have the opportunity to connect, thanks to a beautiful panoramic view, to the second hill of Brisighella, on the top of which stands the Rocca Manfrediana.

    Once you arrive at the fortress, take the CAI 511 path and reach the Sanctuary of Monticino, surrounded by tall cypresses.

  • Second stop - "Ca Carnè" Refuge Visitor Center Brisighella

    Proseguendo lungo il sentiero CAI 511, superate una sbarra, e imboccate una leggera salita fino ad arrivare a un nuovo segnavia che invita a svoltare a destra. Il sentiero sale ripido e vi porta in poco tempo nel cuore del Parco della Vena del Gesso Romagnola.

    Seguendo le indicazioni CAI, raggiungete i segnavia che vi indirizzano al Monte Rontana sulla cui cima si trova l’importante sito archeologico del Castello di Rontana, oggetto di indagini archeologiche da parte dell’Università di Bologna.

    Dopo un giro esplorativo dei resti dell’antico insediamento medievale, riprendete la strada e raggiungete il Centro Visite Rifugio Cà Carnè.

    Il centro offre numerosi servizi al visitatore: è punto informazioni del Parco, fa da sala conferenze e aula didattica, ospita un piccolo ma fornito museo naturalistico dedicato alla fauna locale; inoltre, è dotato di un punto di ristorazione e numerose aree picnic tutt'attorno.

    Da qui si snodano una rete di sentieri che portano alla scoperta di questa parte di parco, uno dei quali conduce, a soli 200 mt, a un'area attrezzata per i cani dove far riposare il vostro amico dopo questa lunga e magnifica passeggiata in mezzo alla natura.

Last update 26/12/2023

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