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Alfonsine is located in the hinterland of the plains outside Ravenna; it can be found along the state road SS16 Adriatica, which connects Ravenna to Ferrara. The natural reserve of the Po Delta, and the city of Ravenna and its seaside resorts are all easily accessible from Alfonsine.

Why visit it

This calm town of the lowlands of Ravenna is a new town; it was rebuilt after the dreadful bombing of World War II. Alfonsine is always looking towards the future, but treasures the past by keeping memories and traditions alive. The nearby wetlands and the natural reserve are part of the Parco Regionale del Delta del Po, the Po Delta reserve, which attracts bird watching lovers from all over Europe.

When to go and what to see

In summer: the town’s public and private gardens open their doors to poetry, theatre and music with the event "Pensiero Narrazione e Voce".

All year long: visit the house where the famous neoclassical poet Vincenzo Monti was born in 1754; recently restored, the villa houses a museum of which some rooms are dedicated to the poet. It is also the headquarters of the education centre of the Parco Regionale del Delta del Po and of the Natural Reserve of Alfonsine, a 12-hectare natural reserve which protects the flora and fauna of the wetlands.

The Museo della Battaglia del Senio, in Piazza della Resistenza, documents the harsh battle of April 10th 1945 along the Gothic line and holds a collection of pictures and objects about the partisans’ fight. The library of the Historic Institute of Resistance and of Contemporary History of the Province of Ravenna is very interesting and holds around 10,000 books.

Having fun

Labirinto effimero: this ephemeral labyrinth is the largest in Europe; it was created in a six-hectare cornfield and has a very intricate pattern. Open from June to September.

Significant appointments

Every year on April 25th the town hosts "Nel Senio della Memoria", an itinerary (to do on foot or by bike) along the river Senio with story telling, theatre events and music, all aimed at keeping historical memory alive.

On October 31st the town celebrates Halloween by turning into a scary place with witches, wizards and ghosts.

In the surroundings

The evocative "Casa dell’Agnese" located in the pre-park of the Delta del Po about 8 km from the center is worth a visit. The typical late 19th century farmhouse is the setting for summer theatrical performances. In 1975, it was chosen by the director Giuliano Montaldo for the making of the film L'Agnese Va a Morire.

The Sanctuary of the Madonna del Bosco is about 5km outside the town; this is located on the road to Comacchio and hosts several pilgrims throughout the year. This area used to be covered by woods in the past, and miracles occurred frequently here, according to tradition. The sanctuary houses a 16th century ceramic sculpture of the Virgin Mary.

Tourist informations offices

Bagnacavallo e Bassa Romagna - Ufficio Informazioni e Accoglienza Turistica (IAT) Alfonsine - IAT Diffuso - Azienda Galassi

Via Roma 111 - Alfonsine (RA)
Alfonsine - IAT Diffuso - Al gallo Trattoria e Locanda

Piazza Vincenzo Monti 36-39 - Alfonsine (RA)
Alfonsine - IAT Diffuso - Le spighe - Non solo piadine

Via Raspona 61/a - Alfonsine (RA)

All tourist information offices in the province

Last update 28/03/2024
Last update 28/03/2024

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