70 years of Romagna Mia

A special evening dedicated to 'Romagna Mia', the Romagna anthem par excellence.

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  • Place
    Arena Stadio dei Pini (Pine Stadium Arena) - Cervia
  • Events
  • Interests
    Riviera, Art & Culture

The Ravenna Festival returns to Milano Marittima with the 2.4 edition of Trebbo in Musica.

The evening of Thursday the 27th of June will celebrate Romagna Mia, the Romagna song par excellence, which will be 70 years old in 2024.

Published by Secondo Casadei, the great composer and violinist, Romagna Mia is the song that has given ballroom dancing great popularity in Italy and internationally.

His daughter Riccarda Casadei, in conversation with Francesco Pacoda, recalls the song so loved by the people of Romagna, with musical accompaniment by the Vince e i Ruvidi band.


  • Arena Stadio dei Pini (Pine Stadium Arena)
    via Ravenna, 61 - Cervia (Milano Marittima)
Jun 27, 2024
See the website
  • Fee

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Redazione Cervia

Last update 31/05/2024

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