Antonio Ligabue at Palazzo Pallavicini

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  • Place
    Palazzo Pallavicini - Bologna
  • Events
    Art and exhibtion
  • Interests
    Art & Culture

From October 3, 2024 to February 28, 2025, Palazzo Pallavicini will host an exhibition dedicated to Antonio Ligabue, a famous Italian expressionist painter.

The exhibition, divided into 8 rooms will tell the fascinating and tormented story of the artist through paintings, sculptures, and drawings.

The exhibition presents the art of this ever-evolving visionary genius, with his passionate research that led him to invent and renew his works using violent but harmonious colors, with an intense emotional suggestion, proposing a popular and refined iconography.


  • Palazzo Pallavicini
    Via S. Felice, 24 - Bologna (Bologna)
3 October 2024 - February 28, 2025
See the website
  • See the website

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Last update 30/08/2024

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