Sand Crib in Bellaria Igea Marina

Suggestions on the beach

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  • Place
    Bellaria-Igea Marina
  • Interests

The Sand Nativity of Bellaria Igea Marina is a masterpiece of fine, compact sand from the Adriatic Sea, and every year the public is enthusiastic about its depiction of the Nativity with life-size sand statues.

Each year the Nativity scene is inspired by different places and characters. 

Scenes of everyday life, shepherds and poor peasants are depicted against a backdrop of historical architectural buildings, streets, taverns, palaces and places of worship.  Tons of sand come to life thanks to the talent and imagination of international sculptors. 

Opening hours: every day from 9.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.


  • Piazzetta Alda Merini - Bellaria-Igea Marina (Bellaria Igea Marina)
8 December 2022 - January 8, 2023
See the website
  • Free event

Information offices

IAT Bellaria
Via Leonardo da Vinci, 3 - Bellaria-Igea Marina (RN)
+ 39 0541 343808 + 39 0541 345491

Last update 06/12/2022

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