Il Cinema Ritrovato

The outdoor cinema under the stars of Bologna

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    Cinema, Festival
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    Art & Culture

From June 22nd to 30th, Bologna hosts the 38th edition of Cinema Ritrovato, an unmissable event for cinema enthusiasts. For nine consecutive days, the city's theaters, arenas, and squares come alive with over 400 screenings selected by the Cineteca di Bologna.

The rich and varied program is not limited to screenings. Distinguished guests, conferences, debates, exhibitions, live music, and much more enhance the experience, transforming Bologna into a vibrant hub of film culture.

⇒ Discover the films and the festival locations!


  • - Bologna (Bologna)
22 - 30 June 2024
See the website
  • See the website

Information offices

IAT Bologna Welcome
Piazza Maggiore, 1/E - Bologna (BO)
+ 39 051 6583111

Editorial Staff

Redazione Bologna

Last update 20/06/2024

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