Bologna Fotografata

People, places, photographers

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  • Place
    Re Enzo's subway - Bologna
  • Events
    Art and exhibtion
  • Interests
    Art & Culture

Until August 4, 2024, a photographic exhibition entirely dedicated to the city of Bologna is coming to the Palazzo Re Enzo underpass.

A large archive composed of advertising images, portraits, news photos, police files, family albums and much more, which succeeds in showing us the past lives of the city so dear to us.


  • Re Enzo's subway
    Piazza Re Enzo - Bologna (Bologna)
12 May 2023 - August 4, 2024
Every day except Tuesday
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 2 pm - 8 pm
Saturday, Sunday and holidays: 10 am - 8 pm
  • See the website

Information offices

IAT Bologna Welcome
Piazza Maggiore, 1/E - Bologna (BO)
+ 39 051 6583111

Editorial Staff

Redazione Bologna

Last update 22/01/2024

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