
The festival of music, poetry, theatre, video art, dance and sound art in two beautiful locations a few km from Ravenna

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  • Place
    Pavaglione - Lugo and others places
  • Events
    Art and exhibtion, Music, Opera, theatre and dance, Festival
  • Interests
    Art & Culture

From June 29th to July 28th, the town of Lugo hosts Lugocontemporanea, a festival celebrating music, poetry, theater, video art, dance and sound art.

This year, the event takes place in two of the city's most fascinating locations, the Pavaglione and the Rocca Estense. Among the artists there will be the British group Kula Shaker and singer John De Leo.

⇒ For a detailed program, visit the official website:


  • Pavaglione
    Piazza Mazzini - Lugo (Lugo)
  • Rocca Estense
    Piazza dei Martiri - Lugo (Lugo)
29 June - 28 July 2024
See the website
  • See the website

Information offices

Ufficio Informazioni Lugo
Largo Relencini, 1 - Lugo (RA)
+ 39 0545 299441

Last update 27/06/2024

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