Mi.Ma in Fiore - Flower Market

A market of plants and flowers in the centre of Milano Marittima

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  • Place
    Cervia and others places
  • Events
    Street markets
  • Interests
    Nature & Outdoor, Riviera

The Mi.Ma in Fiore - Flower Market is back in Milano Marittima, with its second edition! From May 25th to 26th, Rotonda 1° Maggio and Viale Gramsci will be brought to life with splendid colors and scents thanks to imaginative installations and floral arrangements. 

This event is part of Cervia Città Giardino, the largest outdoor floral art exhibition in Europe, now in its 52nd edition. From May to September, you can admire the floral displays in the roundabouts, gardens, and green spaces of Cervia, Milano Marittima, Pinarella, and Tagliata.


  • Via Gramsci - Cervia (Milano Marittima)
  • Rotonda I maggio - Cervia (Milano Marittima)
25 - 26 May 2024
See the website
  • Free event

Information offices

IAT Cervia
Via Evangelisti, 4 - Cervia (RA)
+ 39 0544 974400 + 39 0544 977194 iatcervia@cerviaturismo.it Opening: all year round

Editorial Staff

Redazione Cervia

Last update 16/05/2024

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