Kalemana Experience Festival

Yoga, sports and entertainment on the beaches of Ravenna

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  • Place
    Club del Sole - Ravenna
  • Events
    Sporting event, Festival
  • Interests
    Riviera, Sport

On Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th September 2024, Club del Sole in Punta Marina Terme will host Kalemana Experience Festival, a day entirely dedicated to wellness in the name of music, art, yoga, spirituality and awareness.

The festival is organised by Denise Dellagiacoma, yoga teacher and founder of Yoga Academy, and will host yoga teachers, personal trainers, performers and artists, among which: Paola Maugeri, Giulia Calcaterra, Dario Vignali, Jacopo Ceccarelli and many more.

The Main Stage will feature yoga classes, courses on breathing and live music all day long. In the Experience Areas, you will have the possibility to work closely with the trainers in lessons open to a limited number of people. There will also be Always-On Activities, such as stand up paddleboard, functional training, massages, pole dancing, air silks, bodypainting and much more.

read the programme of kalemana experience festival


  • Club del Sole
    Via dei Campeggi, 7 - Ravenna (Punta Marina Terme)
14 - 15 September 2024
For more details see the programme
  • See the website

Tourist informations offices

Ravenna - Ufficio Informazioni e Accoglienza Turistica (IAT-R) Casalborsetti - Welcome Room Lido Adriano - Welcome Room Lido di Classe - Ufficio Informazioni e Accoglienza Turistica (IAT mobile) Opening: From June to September

Lido di Dante - Ufficio Informazioni e Accoglienza Turistica (IAT mobile) Opening: From June to September

Lido di Savio - Ufficio Informazioni e Accoglienza Turistica (IAT mobile) Opening: From June to September

Marina di Ravenna - Ufficio Informazioni e Accoglienza Turistica (IAT mobile) Opening: From June to September

Marina Romea - Ufficio Informazioni e Accoglienza Turistica (IAT mobile) Opening: From June to September

Porto Corsini - Ufficio Informazioni e Accoglienza Turistica (IAT mobile) Opening: From June to September

Punta Marina - Ufficio Informazioni e Accoglienza Turistica (IAT mobile) Opening: June to September

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Editorial Staff

Redazione Ravenna

Last update 31/05/2024

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