Street art

Art and nature in Bassa Romagna

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This itinerary is about art and nature, more precisely about street and land art

Many artists have been invited here to represent the territory of Bassa Romagna, where the murals will surprise us with their stories, closely tied to the stories of the places and their inhabitants. 

Follow us on the discovery of these beautiful contemporary artworks embedded in the countryside of Romagna!

To see the itinerary on Google maps, click here 

  • Length
    24 hours
  • Interests
    Art & Culture
  • Target
  • First stop - Cotignola Cotignola

    The journey starts in Cotignola, the municipality of Bassa Romagna with the highest number of murals: since 2018 with the project “Dal museo al paesaggio” (From museum to landscape), many of the most famous Italian and international street artists have decided to represent the town through the memories of its inhabitants and its most meaningful historical events. 

    The starting point is in the town centre and the final destination is the Arena delle balle di paglia (Straw bales arena), a magical floodplain under the Senio river bank. 

    Signora K and James Kalinda - via Pascoli (2016): these two artworks represent two historical figures who lived in the Cotignola area, Signora K depicts Lucia Terzani da Torciano, who was famous for being Muzio Attendolo Sforza’s lover. The latter is depicted by James Kalinda on the next wall. The famous Francesco Sforza was born out of their relationship. 

    Collettivo FX - piazzale Amendola (2015): Distributore non automatico di coraggio (non-automatic distributor of courage) Collettivo FX’s mural represents the Quattro Giusti cotignolesi (the four Righteous among the Nations from Cotignola), i Sette Martiri del Senio (the seven martyrs of the Senio river) shot dead by the Nazis in 1944, il partigiano Leno Casadio (partisan Leno Casadio) and Don Stefano Casadio (Father Stefano Casadio), who liberated Cotignola, and last the young partigiano Esiodo Rava (partisan Esidio Rava). The artwork pays tribute to those who sacrificed their life for the Liberation and is located right under the banks of the Senio river, a very meaningful place for the partisan fight. Collettivo FX is an artist from Reggio Emilia, particularly engaged in political-social topics. 

    Zosen Bandido and Mina Hamada, Gio Pistone e Martoz - Scuola di Arti e Mestieri, via Cairoli (2018): these artists, through their style, re-draw the characters and symbols of Cotignyork, namely the town of Cotignola re-interpreted from a fantasy and adventurous perspective. Zosen and Mina, an art duo in work and life, come from Spain (Mina has Asian origins); Gio Pistone and Martoz are Italian artists. 

    Hyuro – via Roma (2018): L’arzdora, this is the title of Hyuro’s mural. She is an Argentinean artist who acquired Spanish citizenship. She prematurely passed away in 2020. She tells about women's empowerment inside patriarchal families; she was famous for dealing with social topics about women in modern society.

    DEM – villaggio UNRRA, between via Pascoli and via Alighieri (2019): Unrra village (United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration) is a district built after the Second World War and is part of an architectural project aimed at re-building areas badly hit by the conflict. DEM, an artist from Lombardy, paints symbols of protection that tell about the philosopher and anthropologist Ernesto de Martino’s stay in Cotignola during the months of the movement of the front during the war.

    Reve+ e Borondo - Arena delle Balle di paglia (2016 and 2013): the mural by Reve+ from Reggio Emilia, titled Papaveri&Upupe is located on the side of a country house along the road that leads to Arena delle balle di paglia. The artist, specialized in the creation of artworks inspired by the fauna and flora that he encounters, dedicates this wall to Poppies and Hoopoes, flowers and birds that are typical of the Romagna countryside. 
    Borondo, a famous Spanish artist, paints very close to the bank where the Senio river meets with Canale Emiliano Romagnolo. Volti (faces) is the title of the artwork that shows two faces, painted with the artist’s gestural style consisting of many layered caricatures.

    Collettivo FX, La Madonna dell’Adesso o già pronta - via Gaggio (2017), Budrio di Cotignola: the artwork tells us about the close bond between the Budrio community and the Virgin Mary, celebrated every summer.

    FX, SS. Madre Incoronata del Risveglio - via del Castello (2017), Barbiano di Cotignola: this artwork is part of the artist’s national project called La Madonna dell’Adesso, which represents the contemporary relationship between citizens and the Blessed Virgin Mary. 

  • Second stop - Lugo Lugo

    The second stop of our itinerary is dedicated to the town of Lugo, with 3 points of interest to visit.

    Luogo comune - via Amendola (2018): with Omaggio a Gioachino Rossini (tribute to Gioachino Rossini) the artist displays an ironic alphabet where many of Rossini’s characters appear, creating a sort of hieroglyph that involves the spectator.

    Alessandra Carloni - via Lumagni (2018): the artwork shows Francesco Baracca from a new perspective: not an aviator but a dreamer.

  • Third stop - Fusignano Fusignano

    In Fusignano Collettivo FX created a mural located in via Curiel, titled Sciopero alla rovescia (2017), (backward strike) a particular form of protest that occurred in the 1950s: labourers who lost their job continued relentlessly to work on the fields as a form of rebellion. 

  • Fourth stop - Alfonsine Alfonsine

    In Alfonsine there is the mural by Ericailcane and Bastardilla, a famous couple of artists: he is Italian, she is Colombian, and they are a couple in life, too. The artwork pays tribute to the Partisan Resistance in one of its symbolic places. The two authors, very famous in the field of urban art, use their art to fight against any form of repression and totalitarianism. 

    In the Parcobaleno park, in via Galimberti, we find Stinkfish (2017), the artwork is part of the project promoted by CUMA Project, which has been supporting indigenous populations in Latin America for many years.

    During the summer (June-September) it is possible to visit the Labirinto effimero (ephemeral labyrinth) in via Roma. The labyrinth was created in 2007 as one of the largest dynamic labyrinths in the world and is reconstructed every year in the corn field of the farm Azienda Agricola Galassi. Then in 2019 the Labirinto sospeso (suspended labyrinth) was created, an example of land art, which plays on the concept of sky and earth by using recycled and bio-degradable materials.

Last update 23/09/2024

Information offices

Ufficio Informazioni Cotignola
Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II, 31 - Cotignola (RA)
+ 39 0545 908826 + 39 0545 908871
Ufficio Informazioni Lugo
Largo Relencini, 1 - Lugo (RA)
+ 39 0545 299441
Ufficio Informazioni Fusignano
Corso Renato Emaldi, 115 - Fusignano (RA)
+ 39 0545 955653 + 39 0545 955668
Ufficio Informazioni Alfonsine
Piazza Antonio Gramsci, 1 - Alfonsine (RA)
+ 39 0544 299666 + 39 0544 299648

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