Every year, with the arrival of spring, the desire to travel and discover new places is reborn in us.
25 April, the first long weekend of the warm season in Italy, can be the perfect opportunity to get to know our country better, rediscovering not only its landscapes, but also its history.
Places, people and stories that belong to our past, but which can still help us understand the present and build a better future for everyone.
To mark the 80th anniversary of the Liberation of Italy, we have selected some of the most significant itineraries.
Outside the places of mass tourism, most of these will take you to the ridges of the Apennines, where the sites of the Gothic Line can be found, but there are also art cities and coastal locations, sometimes surprising.
All you have to do is choose your destination and set out to discover the Places of Liberation, corners rich in history and beauty!
[itinerary-list tags="25-April" template="card-carousel" ]