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Located in the municipality of Valsamoggia, it is a town in the Apennine part of the valley of the river Samoggia, which winds through the rolling hills that mark, west of Bologna, the border with Modena.

Why visit it

The elegance of the old town is combined with the geometric beauty of the countryside that offers picturesque views, nature, historic villas and old farmhouses, a testimony of the ancient agricultural tradition.

It is located a short distance from the heart of the valley, the Regional Park of the Abbey of Monteveglio, a protected area where you can walk in contact with the environment along ancient paths and pilgrimage routes such as the Piccola Cassia and admire the spectacular morphology of the gullies.

When to go and what to see

The Renaissance fortress of Bentivoglio, situated on the hill that overlooks the inhabited centre, is visible when entering the town and it is also the centre of numerous cultural activities, as well as housing the Musical Center and the Archaeological Civic Museum “A. Crespellani” that has given Bazzano the title "Art City".

Thanks to the local gastronomy, the town is part of the wine and food route “Città, Castelli, Ciliegi”.

Not to be missed is the renowned market on Saturdays, which has existed since 1576, and it is one of the biggest markets in the province.

Don't miss

The Bentivoglio fortressIts origins date back to the year 1000, while its current appearance dates back to the Renaissance.

Inside, you can visit the ancient Halls starting from the major one, the one of the Giants, which has an architectural score of columns, within which are framed landscapes and large figures of armed warriors with coats of arms painted on shields.

Also of interest is the adjacent Sala del Camino and the suggestive Sala dei Ghepardi decorated with a cheetah motif within a pomegranate frame, with the motto "per amore tuto ben volgo soferire" (for love I could suffer anything).

On the table

Bazzano adheres to the Slow Cities and is crossed by the Wine and Flavours Road "Città Castelli Ciliegi". Its countryside is known for the production of the delicious Anelloni cherries and Saslà grapes, a Slow Food presidium from which Chasselas wine is made.

In the surroundings

On the road to Castelfranco you can see the Sanctuary of Sabbionara, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin delle Grazie. Built in 1630 as thanks for escaped danger of the plague, inside it preserves illusionistic frescoes. 

Continuing, the road runs straight along the embankment of the Muzza, a small stream of historical importance. The route is what remains of the Vallo della Muzza, a defensive work built in the fourteenth century to protect the border between Modena and Bologna.

Tourist informations offices

Sasso Marconi e Appennino bolognese - Ufficio Informazioni e Accoglienza Turistica (IAT-R) Valsamoggia Colli Bolognesi - IAT Diffuso - Pro Loco Savigno Aps

Via Marconi - Savigno 29 - Valsamoggia (BO)

All tourist information offices in the province

Last update 03/11/2020
Last update 03/11/2020

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