Castel Maggiore

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Castel Maggiore lies on the outskirts of Bologna, in the fertile plain crossed by the Navile Canal. Its history is closely linked to this canal, which was the main waterway of the Bologna area in the past.

When to go and what to see

Castel Maggiore can be visited all year round, but the best time is from late spring to early summer, when the countryside is covered with flowers and the wheat turns golden.

Connected to Bologna by the Navile Cycle Route, the territory of Castel Maggiore can be explored on two wheels: in fact, cycling in the fertile countryside of the area is the ideal way to see glimpses of some historic villas, such as Villa Zarri and Villa Salina in the village of Primo Maggio, and Villa Stagni in Trebbo di Reno (5 km).

On the table

The raviola is a shortcrust pastry filled with Bolognese mostarda (jam made from quince, pear, orange peel and lemon) that used to be prepared in the Bolognese countryside to celebrate St. Joseph.

Significant appointments

For over two hundred years, the Raviola Festival has been held in March in the hamlet of Trebbo di Reno. 

Every year, at the end of June, the event Condimenti - festival of food and literature is celebrated in the setting of Villa Salina.

In the surroundings

In the nearby town of Castello (1 km), you can admire the remains of the ancient Sostegno di Castagnolo Maggiore, which was built in 1497 and became an important manufacturing center along the Navile canal in the 19th century.

Villa Salina dates back to the 16th century and it belonged to the scientist Marcello Malpighi.  In the backyard there is a monumental English oak whose trunk exceeds 5 meters in circumference. It can be visited during events.

In Trebbo di Reno you can find the Church of San Giovanni Battista which contains a beautiful altar piece from the School of Guido Reni.

Also in Trebbo, there are the very interesting floodlands of the River Reno, natural environments rich in plant and animal species, which are perfect spots for trekking or horse riding.

Last update 16/08/2024
Last update 16/08/2024

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