Gaggio Montano

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A town of the Bolognese Apennines, the symbol of Gaggio Montano is its lighthouse, built on the Sasso di Rocca, a monument dedicated to the fallen in the two world wars. 

From the panoramic overview terrace above you can enjoy one of the most enchanting views of the Bolognese Apennines. 

Why visit it

In addition to the fascinating panorama that includes the Silla's valley, the Alto Reno Valley with mount Cupolino and Corno alle Scale, the visit to the old part of the village is also particularly impressive. Perched around a majestic stone, formed by narrow streets and ancient buildings, such as Casa Tanari and Palazzo Pasi, to which are added the elegant arch on the access door to the "Sasso di Rocca" and an ancient village that has remained intact over time.

When to go and what to see

A summer resort. From the Belvedere Terrace, situated above the enormous sandstone "Sasso di Rocca" which rises up at the top of the town, it is possible to enjoy one of the most charming panoramas in the Apennines around Bologna.

The old part of Gaggio Montano is particularily suggestive, situated around the majestical rock that symbolises the town, with narrow streets, antique buildings such as Casa Tanari, Pasi Palace, and the elegant arch of the town entrance gate at "Sasso di Rocca", and the lower antique town which is still intact.

Don't miss

The parish church of Rocca Pitigliana, dedicated to San Michele Arcangelo, which has been mentioned since 1235. In the current building, which dates back to 1502, the church and bell tower make up a unique complex with a rocky relief giving the building elements of great suggestion. 

The interior, which can also be accessed through a passage carved into the rock, is a single nave with chapels and houses in the apse the painting of the Saint to whom the church is dedicated, considered to bethe work of Guido Reni's school.

A short distance away, you can admire the newly restored Montefrasco tower-house (15th- 16th centuries).

In the surroundings

About 16 km from the municipality, the ideal setting for a hike, there is Pietracolora, where you can visit the church dedicated to Santa Lucia, of ancient origins, completely rebuilt in the 1950s.

To the south of the town, of great interest for its landscape and natural features, is the town of Sassane, with a sanctuary dedicated to Santa Maria Magdalena, the reconstruction of an older building of medieval origin, placed on the apex of an impressive steep.

Last update 16/08/2020
Last update 16/08/2020
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