Bobbio Film Festival

A film festival conceived by Marco Bellocchio

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  • Place
    San Colombano Abbey - Bobbio
  • Events
    Cinema, Festival
  • Interests
    Art & Culture

Every summer, the village of Bobbio hosts the Bobbio Film Festival, as part of the Fare Cinema project. The 2024 edition is scheduled from 27th July to 3rd August in the cloister of San Colombano Abbey.

The event, born in the 1990s from an idea of the director Marco Bellocchio, a native of the Emilian village, involves the screening each evening of a film released in theatres during the previous season. At the end, a debate is conducted in the presence of actors, directors, critics and film producers.

Courses related to criticism, screenwriting and directing are held during the day. 

⇒ For the more information see the website.


  • San Colombano Abbey
    Piazza S. Colombano - Bobbio (Bobbio)
27 July - 3 August 2024
See the website
  • Fee

Information offices

IAT Bobbio
Piazza San Francesco - Bobbio (PC)
+ 39 0523 962815 Opening: all year round

Last update 01/08/2024

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