See you at Lucio’s! - Guided tour of Casa Dalla

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    Bologna and others places
  • Events
    Hiking and guided tours, Music
  • Interests
    Art & Culture

You will see the house in Via d’Azeglio where the artist lived and worked and discover interesting anecdotes and curiosities: his close relationship with the city, his friends and illustrious guests and how his songs were written and arranged. 

You will find out about Lucio the actor and director as well as about his passion for painting, sculpture, cinema, theatre, photography and poetry. An experience that will get you even closer to his world thanks to sounds, images and colours. 

Guided tours every Friday and Saturday with admission in shifts. Times vary depending on the dates.


  • Via D'Azeglio - Bologna (Bologna)
  • Via D'Azeglio - Bologna (Bologna)
  • Via D'Azeglio - Bologna (Bologna)
8 September 2023 - December 21, 2024
Every Monday, Friday and Saturday
  • See the website

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IAT Bologna Welcome
Piazza Maggiore, 1/E - Bologna (BO)
+ 39 051 6583111

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Redazione Bologna

Last update 14/09/2023

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