Sagra del Ranocchio

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  • Place
  • Events
    Food Festival
  • Interests
    Food Valley

The Festival of the Frog in Conselice, in the province of Ravenna, has now established itself as one of the most unique in Romagna. The gastronomy presents recipes of local dishes, perfect for those who want to taste the flavours of a tradition that takes us back to the cuisine of our azdòre (matriarchs), who, along with the frogs, are the true protagonists of this festival.

For the programme in detail, consult the website.


  • Piazza Felice Foresti - Conselice (Conselice)
12 - 16 September 2024
See the website
  • Free event

Information offices

Ufficio Informazioni Conselice
Via G. Garibaldi, 14 - Conselice (RA)
+ 39 0545 986910

Last update 30/08/2024

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