Festival Aperto

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  • Place
    Reggio nell'Emilia and others places
  • Events
    Music, Opera, theatre and dance, Festival
  • Interests
    Art & Culture

Aperto Festival is a theatre and musical festival that includes concerts, operas, performances, installations, and multimedia.

On schedule are 33 shows and workshops, 55 repeats, 8 productions and co-productions, 11 world and Italian premières. 

Traditionally attentive to contemporary upheavals and positioned in relation to them, the Aperto Festival believes that there are no words of its own suitable for this 2024 of wars; however, it does not remain silent and relies on the far-sighted words of the Article 11 of the Constitution of the Italian Republic ("Italy repudiates war as an instrument of offense against the freedom of other peoples and as a means of resolving international disputes").


  • Viale Allegri, 8/a - Reggio nell'Emilia (Reggio nell'Emilia)
  • Viale Martiri del 7 luglio, 8/a - Reggio nell'Emilia (Reggio nell'Emilia)
  • Via Emilia San Pietro, 44/c - Reggio nell'Emilia (Reggio nell'Emilia)
  • and others places
17 September - 24 November 2024
For more details see the programme
  • Fee

Information offices

IAT Reggio Emilia
Via Luigi Carlo Farini, 1/A - Reggio nell'Emilia (RE)
+ 39 0522 451152 iat@comune.re.it Opening: all year round

Last update 30/08/2024

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