
Video Scenarios of Rapid Changes

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    Art & Culture

The exhibition "Vertigo - Video Scenarios of Rapid Changes," which will be held at the MAST foundation until June 30, 2024, includes 34 video works by 29 international artists.

The works address the theme of rapid changes in society through the medium of video art. After all, what artistic medium is better suited than the moving image to render the idea of the transformation and vertigo that causes this continuous mutation?

Within the exhibition, audio can be enjoyed via cell phone and headphones by framing the QR codes next to the installations; therefore, visitors are strongly advised to bring their smartphones and headphones with them.


  • Fondazione MAST, Via Speranza, 42 - Bologna (Bologna)
10 February - 30 June 2024
See the website
  • Free event

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Last update 14/03/2024

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