Terme di Tabiano

Specialised in the treatment of respiratory disorders and in offering revitalising relaxation for the body

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The Terme di Tabiano have long been known as the Breathing spa. Where does this name come from?

Let’s take a step back in time. The Tabiano spa was founded in 1841 by the Austrian Duchess, Maria Luigia, who at the time reigned over the lands of Parma, Piacenza and Guastalla. Located just a few miles from Salsomaggiore Terme, since its early days the Terme di Tabiano has capitalized on the therapeutic properties of the local waters, rich in sulfur, sulfate, calcium and magnesium, which proved to be an effective treatment for respiratory disorders in particular.

As a result, the spa became a destination for a string of famous opera singers, including the tenor Enrico Caruso, who would frequent the Tabiano facility to treat and restore their vocal cords, as well as celebrities of the caliber of Giuseppe Verdi.

The Terme di Tabiano is still to this day the leading centre for the prevention and treatment of disorders of the respiratory system in both adults and children. In addition to the therapy area, this facility also houses the T-Spatium centre: a space designed exclusively for relaxation and wellness that offers a range of spa experiences, from treatments to thermal mud to massages.

Thermal water treatments

Issuing from groundwater springs, Tabiano’s water is rich in sulfur, sulfate, calcium and magnesium, which can help relieve conditions affecting the nose, throat and bronchi, such as coughs, persistent colds, rhinitis, laryngitis, allergies and sinusitis.

The sulfur in the water, in one of the highest concentrations in Europe, also provides anti-inflammatory, anti-pruritic and antioxidant effects that can relieve and help clear up skin disorders too (dermatitis, acne, eczema and burn scars).

The Tabiano Terme also boasts an entire area specially designed for children. In the pediatric ward, young visitors to the spa can enjoy individual inhalation treatments as well as group treatments with other children, to make everyone’s experience at the spa a little more enjoyable and fun.

T-Spatium Wellness Centre

Here at Tabiano, mind and body wellness is at the forefront of the experience. The T-Spatium spa was created with this in mind, offering a 32°C- 35°C sulfur water pool, a sauna, a bio-sauna and a Turkish bath, a Kneipp therapy system, a bath with massaging water jets and aromatic showers to heal and restore mind and body.

The T-Spatium center also offers you the unique opportunity to experience the thermal baths as they once were in ancient times, in the Roman Baths area. As you move between the Tepidarium, Laconicum and Calidarium, your body will be cleansed of toxins and you will leave feeling reinvigorated.

You can also experience the wellness centre as part of a spa package, available in varying lengths. These packages are designed to restore the body's natural balance through a combination of holistic techniques, massages and wellness rituals, or you might simply choose to indulge in a massage or thermal mud treatment.


Last update 03/03/2021

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