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Budrio is a small town rich in history and culture, located in the plain north-east of Bologna along the Idice stream.

Why visit it

Budrio is the birthplace of the “ocarina”, a popular musical wind-instrument in terracotta, invented here in 1853. The Museum of the Ocarina illustrates the evolution of this particular musical instrument through hundreds of pieces, such as musical wind-instruments, tools, photos, records, scores and documents. This unique museum displays the creativity of the locals as well as the variety of experiences which have flourished both in Italy and in foreign countries, like Japan, the United Kingdom, the USA and South America.

While there is still visible evidence of the original Roman and Medieval plans, the town centre has a lovely XVII-XVIII century appearance with its traditional porticoes.

In fact, it was in the years between the Renaissance and the Enlightenment that Budrio reached its greatest splendour, also economically, thanks to a new technique in hemp production, which became an exclusive exportation business in many European countries. It was in these years of prosperity that many of the most important buildings of the city were built, like Palazzo Boriani Dalla Noce, the Consorziale Theatre, the Archaeological Museum and the Domenico Inzaghi Pinacoteca (Art Gallery).

Don't miss

The Ocarina Museum, with its unique collection in the world.

Also interesting is the transformation of the former aqueduct into the polyfunctional centre called "Torri dell'acqua" (water towers).

In the central square stands the monument to the mathematician and astronomer Quirico Filopanti from Budrio, who is considered the pioneer of the invention of time zones.

Significant appointments

Every two years, at the end of April, Budrio celebrates the International Ocarina Festival, which attracts guests, musicians and manufacturers from all over the world and in particular from the Far East, where the small terracotta flute has become a cult object.

The festival “Primaveranda” is celebrated every year between April and May. It is a great spring event that brings together music, shows, local products, food and wine.

In autumn Budrio celebrates local agricultural products in the Agribu event.

In the surroundings

It is worth visiting the nearby area of Bagnarola (5 kms), where lies the Malvezzi-Campeggi complex, also called the “Versailles della Bassa” (Lowland Versailles), built between the 16th and 18th centuries.

In the town of Mezzolara stands the red bulk of Villa Rusconi, an eighteenth-century building that presents characteristic neo-Gothic style crenellations, which were added at a later time.

Tourist informations offices

San Giovanni in Persiceto e Pianura bolognese - Ufficio Informazioni e Accoglienza Turistica (IAT-R)
All tourist information offices in the province

Last update 22/10/2024
Last update 22/10/2024

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