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A small town located south of Parma, towards the hills. It is famous for the production of the fine Salame Felino PGI.

Why visit it

Felino is an agricultural and industrial center situated in the rolling hills of the Baganza River valley and along the Stada del Prosciutto e dei Vini dei Colli (Parma ham and wines from the hills road).
Places to visit are the 12th century Felino Castle, The Keep (a 14th c. fortification) and the 12th c. Archpriest’s Church.

Don't miss

The Castle is just outside the village on the hills, it hosts one of the Food Museums, the Salame Museum PGI and and it is among the fairytales accomodations of the the circuit of Castles of the Duchy.

On the table

In the restaurants and pubs of the area, besides the local specialties, you can also try Salame Felino PFI, paired with fried cake as an appetizer, in recipes invented by chefs or just the simply delicious salame and bread. 

In the surroundings

Not far from Felino it is possible the visit of the Castle of Sala Baganza in the circuit of Castles of the Duchy and the Parish church of Talignano

Tourist informations offices

Sala Baganza e Valli di Parma - Ufficio Informazioni e Accoglienza Turistica (IAT)
All tourist information offices in the province

Last update 19/10/2024
Last update 19/10/2024

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