Gragnano Trebbiense

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The town is situated between the Luretta and Trebbia streams; the village opens into a flat area in the western area of Piacenza's province. 

Don't miss

In the village, the Church dedicated to San Michele (Saint Michael) is worth a visit.

Already documented in 1132, it was rebuilt during the 18th century. 

A church with a single nave with side chapels, on the high altar stands an altarpiece by Robert De Longe.

The remains of the ancient castle are now part of a private farmhouse in the countryside.

In the town there are some interesting private homes, Villa Marchesi by the architect Gazzola is a twentieth-century example of neo-Renaissance style. Currently some summer events of the Valtidone Fest take place in the Italian garden of the Villa.

On the table

The Municipality of Gragnano promoted the protection of two products: the "burtléina” and the “torta spisigona”, which received the Municipal Denomination (De.Co) 

Significant appointments

Not far from the town centre, along the Trebbia river, every year the appointment is with the indie music festival Orzorock

In the surroundings

Near the town, in Gragnanino, there is Villa Douglas-Scotti (private house), the Santuario of Madonna del Pilastro, the small centre of Campremoldo di Sopra, Campremoldo di Sotto, Castelbosco, Caminata S. Sisto and Casaliggio. Inside the Castelbosco Castle in the Municipality there is also the curious Museo della Merda (Shit Museum).

The municipality of Gragnano Trebbiense includes an area belonging to the Parco Fluviale of Trebbia, characterized by the transit of migratory birds and the spontaneous flowering of various species of orchids.

Tourist informations offices

Piacenza - Ufficio Informazioni e Accoglienza Turistica (IAT-R) - VisitPiacenza
All tourist information offices in the province

Last update 03/04/2024
Last update 03/04/2024

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