Qui, altrove. Omaggio a Ermes Bajoni

Art exhibition

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From 5h April to 2nd June 2025, the Museo Civico delle Cappuccine of Bagnacavallo, just a few kilometers from Ravenna, hosts the exhibition “QUI, ALTROVE. Omaggio a Ermes Bajoni”.

The exhibition is a tribute to Ermes Bajoni, a renowned artist from Bagnacavallo, former director of the Museo Civico delle Cappuccine and one of the promoters of the establishment of the Gabinetto delle Stampe antiche e moderne, now recognized nationally and beyond.

Bajoni is considered one of the most important contemporary Italian engravers, and the exhibition mainly explores and traces his graphic activity.
His favorite technique was etching, suitable for expressing his own sensitivity and vision of the world. 
Over the course of his artistic career, he produced about 300 plates. In his works, the artist mocks contemporary society with subtle irony, denounces dramatic scenarios, or explores the imagery of childhood and nostalgia.

The exhibition also includes some paintings as well as graphic works, and is the first event included in the Biennale_OFF program, a calendar of events anticipating the 4th Biennale d'Incisione “Giuseppe Maestri”.

For the programme in detail, see the website


  • Via Vittorio Veneto, 1/a - Bagnacavallo (Bagnacavallo)
5 April - 2 June 2025
Every day except Monday
See the website
  • Free event

Tourist informations offices

Bagnacavallo e Bassa Romagna - Ufficio Informazioni e Accoglienza Turistica (IAT) Bagnacavallo - IAT Diffuso - Ecomuseo delle Erbe Palustri

Via Giuseppe Ungaretti 1 - Bagnacavallo (RA)
Bagnacavallo - IAT Diffuso - Antico Convento San Francesco

Via Cadorna 10 - Bagnacavallo (RA)
Bagnacavallo - IAT Diffuso - La cantina di Piazza Nuova

Via Verdi 8 - Bagnacavallo (RA)
Bagnacavallo - IAT Diffuso - Osteria Piazza Nova

Piazza Nuova 22 - Bagnacavallo (RA)

All tourist information offices in the province

Last update 19/03/2025

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