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A municipality formed by the unification of Tresigallo and Formignana, located on the banks of the Po di Volano. Immersed in the Po Valley, its origins can be traced back to the Middle Ages.

Why visit it

Tresigallo is the only planned community recognized as a City of Art. Due to its particular geometries and colours, it is also referred to as "The metaphysical city". A village of medieval origin, this small town was completely transformed by Edmondo Rossoni, the Minister of Agriculture in the Mussolini Government, in an attempt to build a truly innovative architectural town based on the principles of Rationalism. Nowadays it is a small museum of architecture with special features set in a rural context.
The town, indicated in the"Strada dei vini e dei sapori” (Food and wine trail), is also known for its excellent gastronomy.

Don't miss

Known mainly for the linearity of the urban layout and the rationalist architecture of the 1930s, Tresigallo is also home to a fine example of a sixteenth-century building, probably built as a noble hunting residence. This is Palazzo Pio, an elegant palace built between 1517 and 1531 by Alessandro Feruffino, captain of the militias of Duke Alfonso I d’Este.

Tourist informations offices

Ferrara - Ufficio Informazioni e Accoglienza Turistica (IAT-R) Tresignana - IAT Digitale
Piazza Italia 32 - Tresigallo (FE)

All tourist information offices in the province

Last update 30/04/2024
Last update 30/04/2024
OFFICIAL TOURIST INFORMATION SITE © 2024 Emilia-Romagna Region Tourism and Commerce Department