Festival del Buon Vivere 2024 - Ri[e]voluzione.

The heart and courage of good living

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From September 23 to 29 a new edition of Festival del Buon Vivere will take place in Forlì. The title is "Ri[e]voluzione. Il cuore e il coraggio del Buon Vivere". ("Re[e]volution. The Heart and Courage of Good Living").  

A festival full of meetings, labs, workshops and performances that will bring prominent figures including artists, writers, economists and philosophers to reflect on the meaning of Good Living.

The Festival of Good Living aims to educate respect for the practice of widespread and participatory sustainability and sensitivity, for a culture of fair and responsible welfare development.

Program of the Festival of Good Living 2024 continuously updated


  • piazza Guido da Montefeltro - Forlì (Forlì)
23 - 29 September 2024
See the website
  • Free event

Information offices

Piazza Aurelio Saffi, 8 - Forlì (FC)
+39 0543 712362 + 39 0543 712450 iat@comune.forli.fc.it Opening: all year round

Last update 11/08/2024

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