The Carnival of Fantaveicoli has taken place in Imola since 1998.
Fantaveicoli means a perfect mixture of fantasy, cleverness, creativity and irony. These unique pieces are incredible assemblies of parts from bicycles or old vehicles. What is more important is the way these Fantaveicoli are operated: none of them produce pollution! There is no limit to the inventions you will see: hand pushed, wind-powered, electric powered or even solar panels.
The Carnival parade starts from the Enzo and Dino Ferrari Racetrack and flows into Piazza Matteotti. In a mad and happy atmosphere, the award ceremonies for the three different categories (Fantaveicoli, Schools ...) close the parade but not the party.
Over the years, this Carnival has grown to be one of the most popular events in the city of Imola with over 20,000 participants.