Traditional Chestnut Festival of Montefiore Conca

Discover the chestnut festival and the wonderful village of Montefiore Conca!

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  • Place
    Historical centre - Montefiore Conca
  • Events
    Food Festival
  • Interests

Every Sunday in October, Montefiore Conca hosts the traditional Chestnut Festival, a must-attend event for lovers of this delicious woodland fruit.

Every Sundays, the charming medieval streets of this Valconca village come alive with food and wine markets, food stalls, dining areas, and folk performances. Visitors can savor roasted and boiled chestnuts paired with a glass of Sangiovese wine while enjoying the enchanting autumn landscape.


  • Historical centre
    - Montefiore Conca (Montefiore Conca)
6 - 27 October 2024
Sunday only
See the website
  • Free event

Information offices

UIT Montefiore Conca
Via Roma, 3 - Montefiore Conca (RN)
+ 39 0541 980206 Opening: seasonal

Last update 16/09/2024

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