Dante Plus

A collective exhibition dedicated to the face of the Supreme Poet

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    Art & Culture

From 25th May to 29th September 2024, the Contemporary History Library "Alfredo Oriani" in Ravenna hosts a collective exhibition dedicated to the face of Dante Alighieri, curated by Marco Miccoli “Bonobolabo”.

The exhibition gathers a group of artists very different from one another. From drawings to comic books and street art, all the works are united by the common aim of paying homage to Dante, each with their own version of the poet's face.

Dante is maybe the most famous poet in the world, and the Divine Comedy has undoubtedly inspired every generation since. The masterpiece of the Supreme Poet has been resisting space and time, ultimately reaching the present day.


  • Via Corrado Ricci, 26 - Ravenna (Ravenna)
25 May - 29 September 2024
See the website
  • Free event
+39 328 6340102

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Redazione Ravenna

Last update 16/05/2024

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