Ravenna Park Race

21 km of sports and emotions in the heart of the Po Delta Park

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  • Place
    Centro sportivo "Stella Rossa" - Ravenna
  • Events
    Sporting event
  • Interests
    Nature & Outdoor, Riviera

The Ravenna Park Race, a trail for all sports and outdoor-life lovers, will start on September 15th 2024.

A Half Marathon (21.097 km) framed by the amazing landscape of the Po Delta Park will run across fascinating natural trails, roads and dirt roads.

You will run through pines, poplars and holm oaks, and admire the undergrowth of the pine forest of San Vitale. 

You will reach the great brackish lagoons connected to the sea and run by a dense network of canals hosting the typical fishing huts, crossing bumps and sand dunes, admiring their rare plants and many bird species, such as the famous herons.


Trail Running 21.097 km - [Competitive race]
Mostly on dirt roads, at sea level, without a gradient.

Eco-walk 10 km - [Non-competitive walk]
A path to admire all the natural wonders of a unique landscape.


  • Centro sportivo "Stella Rossa"
    Via Giovanni Spallazzi, 1 - Ravenna (Casalborsetti)
Sep 15, 2024
See the website
  • See the website
+ 39 345 4420145

Information offices

UIT CasalBorsetti
Via Nino Bonnet, 2 - Ravenna (RA)
+ 39 0544 444912 prolococb@gmail.com Opening: seasonal

Editorial Staff

Redazione Ravenna

Last update 31/05/2024

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