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Crevalcore is located north-west of Bologna, on the border with the province of Modena, along the Verona-Bologna railway line.

Why visit it

The town centre of Crevalcore still maintains almost all of its original layout created between the 18th and 19th centuries, in particular the main street, which results in a charming scenographic effect. Visitors can walk around the square and along the alleys and admire the buildings -some of which were damaged by the 2012 earthquake- and enjoy the many shops and bars eager to welcome visitors.

In the central square, a bronze sculpture dated 1897 commemorates Crevalcore’s most eminent citizen, the scientist Marcello Malpighi.

At the Melò center you will find the Peace Museum, a museum displaying First World War finds and furnishings.

Inside Porta Bologna is located the "World's smallest puppets museum", the Leo Preti Puppet Museum: a suggestive exhibition dedicated to figure theatre and local popular culture that displays an original 20th century little theatre, over 50 characters, screenplays, costumes, little furniture, as well as a rich collection of backdrops.

Keeping fit

Crevalcore is reachable along the Ciclovia del Sole (Sun Route), a cycle path included in the EuroVelo 7 itinerary that traverse the continent from North Cape (Norway) to Malta.

Significant appointments

"4 steps in the Middle Ages" (early May) is an articulated historical re-enactment with a medieval theme that takes place in the park of Villa Ronchi. In addition to the reconstructions of the camps and the medieval market, you can witness the re-enactment of the battle of 1390, which took place in Crevalcore between the army of Duke Alberico da Barbiano, commander of the Bolognese troops, and the Visconti army.

Le vie del tempo” (mid-April) is a multi-era historical re-enactment along the streets of Crevalcore city centre which offers insights into history, from prehistory to the Second World War.

The Tortelloni Festival (July and September) in the hamlet of Bevilacqua is the ideal opportunity to taste the Emilian tortelloni in many traditional and creative recipes.

In the surroundings

Crevalcore’s territory is dotted with beautiful country residences of the Bolognese nobility, mainly private property, that are reachable by enjoyable cycling tracks: the Castle of Palata Pepoli, the Castle of Galeazza Pepoli, the Palazzo Bevilacqua Ariosti and the complex of Villa Ronchi.

In the hamlet of Beni Comunali, it is possible to visit the Basins of the ex-sugar factory of Crevalcore, an area of ecological rebalancing where many species of birds find refuge, including a couple of storks that have regularly nested on a trellis for over 10 years. The area is equipped with a bird watching hut.

Last update 16/08/2024
Last update 16/08/2024

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