Spina 100 from myth to discovery

One century since the unearthing of this Etruscan city

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This archaeological exhibition set up in Comacchio is part of the national celebrations organized to mark the one hundred years since the discovery of the Etruscan city of Spina (1922-2022).

The exhibition itinerary is organized according to a sequence of rooms that helps the visitor discover this ancient Etruscan city and its treasures. Founded by the Etruscans on the right bank of the Eridanus, the ancient course of the Po, around the middle of the 6th century BC, Spina became Athens’s preferred port in the north Adriatic, controlling the traffic towards the entire Po River valley. At the end of the 4th century BC, the city began to decline and the Etruscan settlement was lost in historical oblivion.

The area’s continuing changes transformed the delta landscape and the traces of the ancient city were lost. With the draining of the Comacchiese Lagoons underway, the first tomb of the necropolis was discovered in the Trebba Lagoon in 1922. Thus began the archaeological epic that led to the discovery of over four thousand tombs and culminated with the discovery of the town of Spina in 1956, which is still being excavated today.


  • Agatopisto, 5 - Comacchio (Comacchio)
1 June - 16 October 2022
See the website
  • Fee

Information offices

Ufficio Informazioni e Accoglienza Turistica - Comacchio
Via Agatopisto - Comacchio (FE)
+ 39 0533 314154 comacchio.iat@comune.comacchio.fe.it
Servizio Informativo del Parco - Infopoint Area Leader Delta del Po
Corso G. Mazzini, 200 - Comacchio (FE)
+ 39 0533 81742 servizioinformativo@parcodeltapo.it

Last update 26/07/2022

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