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Solarolo is a small-sized town in the province of Ravenna and is just 12 kilometres from Faenza.

Why visit it

Solarolo is a small town with an ancient history as evidenced by the archaeological site of Via Orviere with the remains of a Bronze Age village.

The fourteenth-century historic town centre was almost totally destroyed during World War II. Of the ancient town, a good part of the Manfrediana town walls remain, as well as a few private homes and some parts of the Flour Mill (active in 1397).

The keep of the castle and its walls outfitted with a mighty gate prove its strategic position, which was the cause of many struggles between Bologna, Faenza and the Papal States.

Don't miss

The town stands out for the production and enhancement of many typical food products. In particular, for the use of fruits such as PGI peaches and nectarines and for the production of "Solarolo’s Macramè", a traditional lace with fringes produced here with a particular finish.

Significant appointments

In mid-January the Polenta Festival, Bisò and Sabadò, takes place. A traditional festival where steaming polenta, fragrant vin brulè and the “sabadoni” (a kind of sweet ravioli soaked in saba) are served.

In May/June instead, the Feast of the Ascension takes place. This Feast gets its origins from the devotion to the Blessed Virgin of Health, to which numerous miracles are credited. Furthermore, over time this festival has taken on a civil as well as religious character.
The great food stand satisfies all tastes with the best dishes of Romagna’s tradition, while the packed program of shows and entertainment makes it impossible to get bored.

Delegations from twinned municipalities, such as Rhemes Notre Dame (Valle d'Aosta)  and Kirchheim am Ries (Germany), often participate in the big event, bringing their cuisine and typical products to Solarolo.

Tourist informations offices

Riolo Terme - Ufficio Informazioni e Accoglienza Turistica (IAT)
All tourist information offices in the province

Last update 03/04/2024
Last update 03/04/2024

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