Fumaiolo Fest

Two days of nature, culture, music and culinary arts, in a magical landscape

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  • Place
    Verghereto and others places
  • Events
    Hiking and guided tours, Festival
  • Interests
    Nature & Outdoor, Spa & Wellness

On Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th of September in Alfero and Balze, on the magical Mount Fumaiolo, from which the sources of the Savio and Tiber rivers flow, there will be the first edition of the Fumaiolo Fest, an event of the Savio Trail 2024 review: two unforgettable days in which nature, culture, music and gastronomy come together to celebrate the beauty and richness of an iconic landscape.

Excursions in breathtaking landscapes, tastings of local delicacies, rejuvenating wellness experiences, open-air concerts under the stars, engaging cultural moments, all with a sustainable and environmentally friendly approach.


When: Saturday, September 7th
Where: Alfero and Cascata dell'Alferello - Alferello Falls

10.30 am Hike to Cascata dell’Alferello
12.30 pm Lunch at Albini Restaurant in Alfero
2.30 pm Botanical hike searching for herbs

When: Saturday, September 7th
Where: Mount Fumaiolo Pass

12 pm opening of food booth and Legambiente Educational Area
4 pm Gattamolesta in concert
6 pm Lennon Kelly in concert
8 pm Post Funk in concert

Where: Sunday, September 8th
Where: Balze and Mount Fumaiolo
Hike from Balze to Mount Fumaiolo with a quick welcome buffet, travelling acoustic concert by Iris Quartet, waste collection with Legambiente

Quando: Sunday, September 8th
Luogo: Mount Fumaiolo Pass

12 pm opening of food booth and Legambiente Educational Area
2.30 pm recreational naturalistic hike to River Tiber Spring
2.30 pm Yoga – Jyotim method lesson, with Davide Plachesi


  • - Verghereto (Alfero)
  • - Verghereto (Balze-Monte Fumaiolo)
7 - 8 September 2024
See the website
  • Free event
+ 39 334 9121542

Information offices

UIT Verghereto
Via Nuova, 43 - Verghereto (FC)
+ 39 0543 906589 + 39 0543 906589 turismo@comune.verghereto.fc.it info@fumaioloturismo.it info@ipercorsidelsavio.it Opening: seasonal
City Tourism Association of Balze
Via Nuova, 59 - Balze (Verghereto)

Last update 11/08/2024

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