Air sports

A good helping of courage and a touch of madness to marvel at the beauty of Emilia-Romagna from the skies

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Imagine yourself floating freely through the air, observing the rich variety of landscapes below, from the greens of the Apennine mountains to the blues of the Adriatic Sea. 

Sky Diving

In Emilia-Romagna, you’ll find areas specially equipped for sky diving called Drop Zones (CampoVolo Reggio Emilia, Aviosuperficie Molinella/Bologna, Ferrara Airport, Ravenna Airport). You can either skydive in tandem with a certified instructor or take an Accelerated Free Fall course to skydive alone.

Hang Gliding and Paragliding

Even if these sports might seem extreme and dangerous at first glance, in reality, current safety standards make them accessible to everyone. In the Apennines, many structures offer tandem flights and courses organised by flying clubs. You can try at Campo Cucco di Gaggio Montano, Malavita di Gaggio Montano, Piella di Porretta Terme, Pizzo di Lizzano in Belvedere, Monte Pero di Vergato, in the Savena Valley at Montevenere di Monzuno (Bologna), Sestola and Monfestino (Modena). 

Hot Air Balloons

Soar up to 600 m above ground and touch the sky. When visiting Emilia-Romagna, you’ll find many places to give this thrilling experience a try. You can go ballooning year round in Carpineti to enjoy the castles, old villages and enchanting countryside of the Reggio Emilia Apennines from above. Forlì and Ferrara host some of Italy’s most important hot air ballooning festivals: the Ferrara Balloons Festival and the Hot Air Balloon Festival of Forlì.

For those of you who are intrigued by the idea of air sport but still get a chill up your spine at the mention of it, you can always lose yourself in the fun, colourful world of kites. Every spring, participants from all over the world gather on the beaches of Cervia and in the Giorgio Bassani City Park in Ferrara to celebrate the Artevento - International Kite Festival and the Vulandra Festival.

Last update 05/09/2024
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