Fall Foliage Festival

Three days dedicated to the show of the Fall Foliage

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  • Place
    Bagno di Romagna
  • Events
    Hiking and guided tours, Other events
  • Interests
    Nature & Outdoor, Spa & Wellness

From 25th to 27nd October Bagno di Romagna hosts the Fall Foliage Festival, an event dedicated to the colors and flavors of autumn and the spectacle of nature in the autumn period. 

Three days to discover the wonderful colors of the Casentinesi Forest National Park with the aromas and scents of its trees that give energy and vigor to the body and mind.

A program full of the event will make known the beauty of these uncontaminated places in the most suggestive season of the year.


  • Piazza Ricasoli, 13 - Bagno di Romagna (Bagno di Romagna)
25 - 27 October 2024
See the website
  • Some paid events
+ 39 339 7794029

Information offices

I.A.T. Ufficio Informazioni e Centro Visita Parco Nazionale di Bagno di Romagna
Via Fiorentina, 38 - Bagno di Romagna (FC)
+ 39 0543 911046 info@bagnodiromagnaturismo.it info@ipercorsidelsavio.it Opening: all year round

Last update 18/09/2024

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