Discovering the ancient tower of Ceparano: a hidden treasure in the Romagna hills

Exploring the ancient tower of Ceparano hidden among the hills of Romagna

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Hidden among the majestic hills of Romagna, among ancient olive groves and lush vineyards, stands the ancient tower of Ceparano, dating back to the 12th century. 

The interest in this Tower is first and foremost linked to the history and architectural characteristics of its ancient ruins, but also its evocative atmosphere and its panoramic position make it even more fascinating to visit. Initially built for defensive purposes, over the centuries the tower has gone through many vicissitudes and transformations, becoming a silent witness to past eras and legends handed down from generation to generation.

This itinerary will take us to this tower, which is located near the municipality of Brisighella, in the province of Ravenna, and is easily accessible by car following the signs for the town and parking near the Church of San Giorgio in Ceparano.

Visitors can reach the tower on foot along a medium-difficulty circular hiking route known as the Ceparano Ring (8.5 km), surrounded by nature. It can be tackled all year round by following the well-marked paths, preferably avoiding days of heavy rain.

The itinerary represents an excellent choice for those who love to immerse themselves in nature, walk in the open air and enjoy the tranquility and beauty of the landscape, with breathtaking views of the Lamone valley and the surrounding villages.

During the route it will be possible to admire the varied flora of the Apennines, including woods dominated by downy oaks and black hornbeams, wild orchids, ferns and lime trees, as well as meeting Mediterranean fauna species such as various types of birds of prey, the porcupine, the polecat and the dormouse. 

You will explore the ruins of a medieval fort, of the Ceparano settlement, of great historical, geological and archaeological interest. 

From the castle, along a path you will cross suggestive gullies and arrive at the enchanting Gole del Tè natural incisions, dug into the characteristic "Spungone" (a rock formation) and crossed by the Albanello stream, which offer a spectacular landscape.

  • Length
    24 hours
  • Interests
    Nature & Outdoor
  • Target
  • First stop - Ceparano Castle Brisighella

    From Faenza, by car, follow the SP 16 road in the direction of Modigliana. Cross Marzeno and continue until you reach the town, then turn left into via Ceparano. Continue along this road until you reach the suggestive Church of San Giorgio in Ceparano, an eighteenth-century building. 

    Here you can park your car and begin the excursion on foot, following the white-red trail signs of CAI 503 until you reach the top of the hill, where the majestic Ceparano Castle stands. Built around 1100, this fortress was for centuries an ancient bastion at the center of bitter disputes between the family of the Counts Guidi of Modigliana and the Manfredis of Faenza.

    Since 2018, a team of scholars from the Department of Archeology of the University of Bologna has started a series of archaeological campaigns and studies, which have led to the detection of different sections of the fortress, two cemetery areas, a vast residential area and numerous finds.

    The relief on which the castle is located is a characteristic geological formation called Spungone, recognizable for its spongy structure and for having been exploited as a quarry for the extraction of building materials, thus contributing to making this area one of the geosites of Emilia Romagna.

  • Second stop - Le Gole del Tè Brisighella

    From Ceparano Castle, take the CAI 503 path which will guide you along a small road through suggestive gullies. 

    After about 1 km, leave the small road and follow the trail signs on the left again, heading towards Rio Albonello. 

    Here you can admire the magnificent natural canyons, known as "Le Gole del Tè", deep incisions dug into the Spungone crossed by the stream, offering a scenic spectacle of high narrow rock walls.

    Although the term "tea gorges" is not official, it poetically describes the particular color of the water due to the presence of particles and sediments. 

    After crossing Rio Albonello, you will return to the asphalt road which takes you back just below the Church of San Giorgio a Ceparano, the starting point and car park.

Last update 31/05/2024

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