High-altitude hiking: ring trail around Corno alle Scale

A hike to admire some of the most magical places of Corno alle Scale

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Corno alle Scale (1945m above sea level) is the highest peak in the Bolognese Apennines, located in the municipality of Lizzano in Belvedere. The whole area, within the Corno alle Scale Regional Park is a true paradise for hiking and biking enthusiasts. 

At these altitudes (it starts at 1415m above sea level and goes up to almost 2000), the flora and fauna are those common to alpine areas: it is not uncommon to meet or hear marmots whistling, and during blooming periods orchids and gentians color the highest ridges. Thanks also to its numerous infrastructures, Corno alle Scale is an ideal destination for all those seeking contact with nature hiking, mountain biking or, in the winter season, skiing.

The itinerary proposed here is suitable for walkers. There are two options: the first is suitable for everyone, the other one is best for experienced hikers. In both cases, however, it is possible to reach the main points of interest in the area, such as the small lakes Cavone and Scaffaiolo, the wonderful Valley of Silence and, of course, the cross located at the top of Corno alle Scale.

  • Length
    24 hours
  • Interests
    Nature & Outdoor
  • Target
  • First stop - Lake Cavone Corno alle Scale

    The trail starts from Lake Cavone, a strategic area both for parking and for refreshment. Cavone offers wonderful views both in summer, to appreciate the flora, and in the fall, for the foliage; in winter it is sometimes possible to admire it frozen and surrounded by snow.

  • Second stop - Valley of Silence Corno alle Scale

    From Cavone you proceed in the direction of the Valley of Silence, following the CAI 335 trail signs. After a short walk you will reach the Valley, one of the most picturesque places in the entire area: in the middle flows a small stream (the Rio Piano) that delineates on one side the last trees of the forest and on the other side the "ducts" of Corno, rock formations that cover part of the mountain wall. Here you will find a partly alpine flora, such as Bears' Ear Primrose and Koch's Gentian.

  • Third stop - Corno Cross Corno alle Scale

    At this point you can reach the Corno cross (located right on the summit) in two ways: via the Porticciola Pass (medium/easy level) or via Balzi dell'Ora (experienced hikers' level). 

    In the first case, you continue via CAI 335 trail that leads to the Porticciola Pass, from which you can admire the surrounding panorama and also catch a glimpse of Lake Cavone exactly below the rocky spurs. To get to the cross from here you just have to walk along the Corno meadows, where skiers whiz by in winter. 

    In the second case, it is necessary to get to the end of the Valley of Silence by following the CAI 337 trail to Passo del Vallone and, from there, follow CAI 129 to Balzi dell'Ora. This part of the trek is certainly evocative and the views it offers are priceless, but it is suitable only for experienced hikers (as also indicated by the signs).

  • Fourth stop - Lake Scaffaiolo Corno alle Scale

    Once you reach the cross, you must take a few minutes to admire the surrounding landscape, which, on clear days, offers incredible views reaching as far as the sea (sometimes it is possible to catch a glimpse of Elba Island) and the Alps. 

    By following CAI trail 00 (the GEA, Grande Escursione Appenninica), you will reach Lake Scaffaiolo, a small high-altitude lake that resembles alpine bodies of water. According to one legend, if you throw a stone into its waters a storm will break out: we advise against trying so as not to ruin the hike! After a restorative stop on the banks of the Scaffaiolo you can resume your walk toward the end of the hike.

  • Fifth stop - Cavone Lake Corno alle Scale

    To conclude the ring trail, continue along CAI path 329 in the direction of Cavone, through the vast blueberry heaths that cover the area beyond the tree line. In August it is possible to pick these delicious fruits, after purchasing the dedicated pass: alternatively, a slice of blueberry tart is always available at the lodges in the Corno alle Scale area.

Last update 03/07/2024

Tourist informations offices

Lizzano in Belvedere (Corno alle Scale) - Ufficio Informazioni e Accoglienza Turistica (IAT)
Lizzano in Belvedere Vidiciatico (Corno alle Scale) - Ufficio Informazioni e Accoglienza Turistica (IAT)

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