Lido di Dante

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A few kilometres south of Ravenna, between the mouth of the Fiumi Uniti river and the iconic Pine forest of Classe, stands the little town of Lido di Dante.

Why visit it

As it escaped the wild construction boom of the last century, Lido di Dante is a true paradise for all of those who want to have a quiet holiday in contact with nature.

Safeguarded within the protected area of the Po Delta Park, the place has, besides the small inhabited centre, very few beach establishments. The rest is all covered by free beaches.

There aren’t luxurious hotels or residences but only terraced houses, most of them for rent, and countless pitches for campers and anyone seeking for an open-air experience.

Don't miss

As soon as you go beyond the few establishments, within a short walk along the shore or across the pine forest (access is only allowed on foot or by bicycle) you’ll arrive in the Natural Reserve of the Bassona, which is maybe one of the most beautiful stretches of sand on the Romagna Riviera. Here is the right place to sense the real essence of Lido di Dante.

For its reserved and secluded character, this area has been a privileged destination for naturists from all over the world for decades (recently acknowledged and legally regulated by the town of Ravenna), offering a full experience of direct contact with the surrounding environment.

Of great suggestion are the guided tours to the natural areas of the mouth of the Bevano river and of the nearby Oasis of Ortazzo and of Ortazzino, coastal areas with a great environmental diversity in Emilia-Romagna, as well as part of the Po Delta Park.

The activities available are many: a birdwatching experience in a canoe, on an electric boat, on foot or by bike along one of the many itineraries to the discovery of the secrets of the local wildlife.

Don’t miss the suggestive trail from Lido di Dante to Ravenna, walking along the river bank of Fiumi Uniti. Enjoy this 9-km walk frequently trodden by runners and walkers, lined by traditional fishing huts and private vegetable gardens.

In the surroundings

The territory surrounding Lido di Dante offers many opportunities. From the artistic and cultural treasures of the nearby town of Ravenna with its Unesco monuments to the naturalistic oasis of the Po Delta Park, easily reachable also by bike.

Worth a mention are the Archaeological Park of Classe, the 17th century-old watchtower called ‘Torraccia’, lost in the lands between Ravenna (Ponte Nuovo) and Lido di Dante, and of course the beautiful landscape of the pine forest of Classe with its priceless natural treasures.

Tourist informations offices

Ravenna - Ufficio Informazioni e Accoglienza Turistica (IAT-R) Casalborsetti - Welcome Room Lido Adriano - Welcome Room Lido di Classe - Ufficio Informazioni e Accoglienza Turistica (IAT mobile) Opening: From June to September

Lido di Dante - Ufficio Informazioni e Accoglienza Turistica (IAT mobile) Opening: From June to September

Lido di Savio - Ufficio Informazioni e Accoglienza Turistica (IAT mobile) Opening: From June to September

Marina di Ravenna - Ufficio Informazioni e Accoglienza Turistica (IAT mobile) Opening: From June to September

Marina Romea - Ufficio Informazioni e Accoglienza Turistica (IAT mobile) Opening: From June to September

Porto Corsini - Ufficio Informazioni e Accoglienza Turistica (IAT mobile) Opening: From June to September

Punta Marina - Ufficio Informazioni e Accoglienza Turistica (IAT mobile) Opening: June to September

All tourist information offices in the province

Editorial Staff

Redazione Ravenna

Last update 27/01/2025
Last update 27/01/2025

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